Open PDI Competition
Chaplin Bowl Trophy
Third Open PDI Competition
First 'Resting' by Katie Gape
First 'Storm Clouds' by Emma Webber
First 'Stormbringer' by Kevin Payne
First 'Taking a Break' by Kevin Payne
First 'the Waltzer' by Tony Oliver
First 'Windswept Tree' by Russ Kahn
Second 'A Three Year Old Gannet' by Russ Kahn
Second 'Aspendos' by Jane Osborne
Second 'Eyes on the Gate' by Richard Ramsay
Second 'Natural Flow' by Linda Oliver
Second 'White Tailed Landing' by Paul Rigg
Third 'Hummingbird' by Chris Andrews
Third 'Colourful rusty boat' by Rachel Allcock
Third 'Music box dancer' by John Hart
Third 'Raven (Whitby Goth)' by Richard Ramsay
Third 'Reaching out' by Paul Rigg
Third 'Two's Company' by Richard Ramsay
Second Open PDI Competition
First 'A Stormy Day' by Tony Oliver
First 'Concentration' by Richard Ramsay
First 'Nuns Cross Farm' Russ Kahn
Second 'Basilica Cistern' by Jane Osborne
Second 'Gannet Greeting' by Richard Ramsay
Second 'Knowing when to strike' by Roger Kent
Second 'Ophelia' by Richard Ramsay
Second 'Tilly' by Joy Phipps
Third 'Balcony Splash' by Peter Woodhouse
Third 'Hands instead of feet' by John Hart
Third 'Solar wind' Paul Rigg
First Open PDI Competition
First 'Trees with barn' by Paul Rigg
First 'Up and Over' by Russ Kahn
First 'Arctic beach' by Paul Rigg
Second 'Beak to Beak' by Russ Kahn
Second' Bursting Out' by Rob Lanham
Second 'Can't wait any longer' by Peter Woodhouse
Second 'Cornering at Full Speed' by Richard Ramsay
Second 'Heading Home' by Sarah Shelley
Second 'Albatross' by Paul Rigg
Third 'A storm subsides' by Mike Brown
Third 'Flamingos by Jane Osborne
Third 'Gills' by Emma Webber
Third 'Nuthatch' by Tony O'Reilly
Third 'Holy Spirits'_ by Emma Webber
Third 'Silver Studded Blue' by Richard Ramsay
Third 'Rounding the marker' by Tony Oliver
Third 'T'ree Trees' by Mike Brown
Third 'Windmill Bembridge' by Peter Read