Print Presentation
Print Mounting
Once you have printed your images you want to enter (at home or out sourced - NB this can take longer than normal to be sent back at present) your next job is to mount them for display on the lit picture display that the judge will use to view them. Match the mount to your printed image size but the maximum size is 500mm x 400mm for competition display. You can use coloured mount board of all types although white, cream or black are most popular. The important thing is to set your image off to best advantage so this requires some care.
Below is a mount guide to help you see the process although it is not necessary to do it yourself, again you can out source it.
Print Presentation
Once your image is mounted it is important to name it in accordance with our competition requirements. On the reverse of the print mark in pencil the details of your image with the number of the print, the tile of your print and your name in the order as displayed below:
Make sure that the details of the naming of images is the same as for your PDI images as the two should be identical.
Take your Prints you want to enter into the Competition it relates to on the Monday evening. one week before and email a sized PDI version of the image, with the same title, as an attachment to the internal Competition Co-ordinator -