Member’s Area
Competition 〰️
Are you ready?
Competition 〰️ Are you ready?
Welcome to our Members Noticeboard
For a Gallery on the SPC website Send 12 images via We transfer to Robin
Check out the latest on events below and join in our out of season activities
Salisbury Photography Club
Members and new members are meeting at our venue this season 2024-2025
7.30pm at the Baptist Church, 41 Brown St, Salisbury
See you there!
Light bulb moment
Raffle prizes - donations are welcome!
Any ideas? Can you help the Club?
Try our Groups and explore more
Catch up here!
Our Competitions for this season are just beginning. Do join in!
To join in Competitions as a Member upload your PDIs on the Submission Date using the Photo Entry Guide one week before through PhotoEntry online
Tea and Coffee Rota
Each Monday members take turn helping with the tea and coffee rota - to see the evenings assigned to you find out here - look on the Noticeboard at the Baptist Church
Jeremy Court writes about his experiences with Night and low light photography - find out more here…
Why not join the Club Flickr page? Just email Tony Oliver (Together with your Flickr name) and he will invite you to join or request to join via Flickr direct or through the Flickr icon on the website. Look forward to seeing you there…
A Club outing is a perfect opportunity to meet with other Members and share a photography experience - watch this space!
For sale
Do you have any photography related kit for sale that other members might want to acquire? See here for latest

Photography for all
“Maybe your knowledge base needs updating to turn hobby photography into much more.”
“Maybe you want to explore new genres or acquire new skills.”