Hello, whatever your timetable as a photographer allows come and join us at Salisbury Photography Club and find new ways to travel on your journey
On Monday Amanda Miller LRPS, CPAGB, judged our Cathedral Cup PDI Trophy Competition and, with her extensive range of architectural experience as a photographer, she gave us a large scale overview of what makes an architectural image stand out. A wide range of architectural styles were presented by our Members including modern, historical and ancient as well as innovative from around the world; which made for interesting comparisons. She gave us useful tips on lining up and composition as well as what to include and leave out and was impressed by the imaginative use of light and shade to shape the images. Congratulations to Thomas Wicks on his winning image ‘Bamburgh Castle’ - you can look at the Cathedral Cup Trophy Results here
Read the latest review covering our evenings at Photography Club here: Salisbury Photography Club FB group page
Catch up with our SPC Chairman Peter Woodhouse talking to Shan Robins, Senior Reporter for ‘That’s TV’, about our exhibition at Salisbury Library, as well as the club’s social media - in particular, our 365 Flickr challenge!
See the Etchells Vase Trophy top results here
The results of our Second Open PDI Competition of the season. Leo Rich judged 67 of our PDIs in total, providing valuable critique and insights to our members.
The results of our Second Open Print Competition are now live, with Gordon Brown ARPS picking 4 prints this week for the “perfect 10”.
See the Club Exhibition images up in Gallery 4 at the Library shown alongside the SCPF Exhibition for early January until February 1st this year. Catch up with a write up on Salisbury Photography Club FB group page
See the Wiltshire Trophy top images our Members took with the quick link or find them under Competitions/Trophy winners
First Open Print results , Judged by Glyn Paton ARPS, CPAGB,AFAIP, BPE1, right here
Our new season programme of events is bursting with photography ideas so come and join our friendly club at the Baptist Church 41 Brown Street, Salisbury. You can sample our Club as a visitor any Monday evening at 7.30pm and find out about all our activities that can enhance your photography experience and give you a boost to expand your skills. If you have any questions about our club do ‘get in touch’ we are here to help.
To give you an idea of some of our photography interests do take a look at our Members’ galleries here…Members’ Galleries
We hope the events for our next season will tempt you and inspire you with interesting talks, friendly critique and expertise on hand to allow you to develop your photography style.
We welcome photographers at any time to join us at Salisbury Photography Club. We share and care about your interests in photography.
This website is designed to find out what interests you; whether a Member, New Member, Visitor or Surfer looking for photography inspiration and great places to photograph locally. Let us know what you think or would like to see on these pages…
Up and Coming Programme of Events…
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